


Autodesk Inventor Tutorial

Using Shortcut Keys and Command Aliases

Autodesk Inventor provides shortcut keys and command aliases to help you
perform certain tasks more quickly. A command alias is an alphanumeric
character or character sequence used to start a command. Define a shortcut
by using any of the following keys or key combinations:
■ A punctuation key (including ` - = [ ] \ ; ' , . /), or one of the following
virtual keys: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow.
■ A combination of the SHIFT key along with a numeric key (0-9),
punctuation key, or one of the following virtual keys: Home, End, Page
Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow.
■ Any combination of SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys along with an alphanumeric
Remember that some shortcut keys and command aliases are active in specific
environments only.

TRY IT: View a complete guide to shortcut keys and command aliases

1 Open Autodesk Inventor.
2 On the Standard menu, click Tools ➤ Customize ➤ Keyboard tab. For
each category, there is a list of the command name and its associated
shortcut or alias, if one exists.
3 Click through several categories to see the associated commands.
The following is a list of some of the commonly used shortcut keys and
command aliases.

Key Result

F1 Displays Help for the active command or dialog box.
F2 Pans the graphics window.
F3 Zooms in or out in the graphics window.
F4 Rotates objects in the graphics window.

Key Result

F5 Returns to the previous view.
F6 Returns to isometric view.
B Adds a balloon to a drawing.
C Adds an assembly constraint.
D Adds a dimension to a sketch or drawing.
DO Adds an ordinate dimension to a drawing.
E Extrudes a profile.
FC Adds a feature control frame to a drawing.
H Adds a hole feature.
L Creates a line or arc.
P Places a component in the current assembly.
R Creates a revolved feature.
S Creates a 2D sketch on a face or plane.
T Tweaks a part in the current presentation file.
ESC Quits a command.
DELETE Deletes selected objects.
BACKSPACE In the active Line tool, removes the last sketched segment.
ALT + drag mouse In assemblies, applies a mate constraint.
Key Result

In a sketch, moves spline shape points.

SHIFT + right-click Activates the Select tool menu.
SHIFT + Rotate Automatically rotates model in graphics window. Click to quit.
CTRL + ENTER Return to previous editing state.
CTRL + Y Activates Redo (revokes the last Undo).
CTRL + Z Activates Undo (revokes the last action).
When the 3D Rotate tool is active, switches between dynamic rotation
and standard isometric and single plane views.

33 komentar:

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goog info ...
bisa lebih efektif dan hemat waktu.
salam kenal
and have a happy blogging

ALVIN'Z BLOG mengatakan...

infonya bagus mas..

sangat bermanfaat

terima kasih

Admin mengatakan...

Mantab infonya nie mas.
Dunia Komputer

s mengatakan...

mantap pak sutopo! sip...

sabarmuanas mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

ok...tutornya, lebih ok lagi kalau dimuat tutor yang versi bahasa indonesia nya mas, biar klop ada English dan ada indonesia nya.
Salam Kenal

Billy mengatakan...

sangat bermanfaat infonya,,,

Unknown mengatakan...

salam kenal tmn,

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Andy mengatakan...

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Suratman Adi mengatakan...

ya mas klo bs ada tutor dlm bhs indnsia.Kan gak smua pengunjg di blog ini paham bhs inggris.

Internet Business mengatakan...

Nice Post......
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Eko Bayu mengatakan...

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Blue mengatakan...

Sip Bos...go on terus....

Jalan Terang mengatakan...


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Unknown mengatakan...

Thank you for the share. Visit me back

Walidin mengatakan...

Autodesk memang belum bisa dikalahkan powerfullnya ya gan

Blog Kampret mengatakan...

Panjang banget yah pak hehe ;) tapi saya hanya menyimak dan terima kasih artikel mengenai autodesk inventor ini lumayan dpt ilmu :)

Anonim mengatakan...

Powerfull itu apa? masih belajar nih

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izin mau duduk di sini boleh kan?

MitraBibit mengatakan...

horee.. dapet ilmu lagi, makasih pak atas postingannya walaupun saya bacanya hanya sebagaian yang bisa saya mengetir karena bahasa.inggris saya yang terbatas, tp masih bisa di pahami,
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Welcome To My Blog mengatakan...

saya blum ngerti soal ini kang, saya ijin nyimak aja, ,sebelumnya salam kenal :)

Anonim mengatakan...

sepertinya harus disimak dulu ya mas, oke semoga panduannya bermanfaat

Berbagai Info mengatakan...

Kraetif punya artikel bahasa inggris, bisa di lihat orang sedunia ya !

International Language Center mengatakan...

haduuhh,,, g terlalu paham bahasa inggris, tp sedikit mengerti sih,,,

Kang Ucup mengatakan...

bagi yang lagi belajar autodesk, harus hafal semua shortcut tersebut ya pak.

Unknown mengatakan...

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Unknown mengatakan...

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